Monday, October 22, 2012


我々は漢字の勉強を始めました。:D すてきですね。漢字はとても面白いですね。

今朝ちょっと悪かった日です。漢文のクラスは九時にを始めるが、僕は九時四十分に来ました。悪かったですね。母の家から学校まで電車でと地下鉄でと歩いて来ました。でも、電車のエンジンが故障した。>< ハッピーではありませんでした。(今日とても早かった出かけます)

(我々=われわれ、漢字=かんじ、面白い=おもしろい、故障した=こしょうした(broke down)、早い=はやい、出かける=でかける)


  1. 電車が故障したのですね。でも、クラスにいけてよかったです。今日はよい日だといいですね!

  2. Hello!
    My name is Rikuto Yoshida.
    I am live in Japan.
    Your japanese is very good!
    Where are you live in?

    1. Hi,
      I am Gresham, I live in NYC. I am first-semester student of Japanese, I think it cannot be so good. XD But, thank you, nonetheless. Your English must be better than my Japanese :)

      (You want to say: I live in Japan....Where do you live? 頑張ってね ^.~)

  3. I'm Japanese student. So, when I was a child, I used to study Chinese characters. It was very hard for me to remember them. Cheer up!!:D

    1. I actually really like Chinese characters and know about 3,000 because I learned Chinese in school over the past 6 years. It gets easier to remember them the more you know, don't you think? :D

  4. Hello! I'm student from Ritsumeikan University near the Kyoto Japan. Did you learn Kanji? I think it's much difficult. Actually, it's difficult for me to study Kanji. I tell you a Kanji,諒. Can you guess what does it mean? It's my name! However, I don't know what does this kanji mean.

    1. 立命館大学はりつめいかん大学ですね。I really like Kyoto :D 2009年に京都へ訪ねました。^_^ 弟は、当時大阪で留学していました。I have been learning kanji since I started learning Japanese ^.~. Kanji takes a lot of practice, right? I think the kanji means something like truth, but can also mean to forgive/understand (not like わかる, like I understand (your feelings)) How do you pronounce your name Suzuki ______? XD OH! I actually started to learn kanji in about 2006 or so when I started to learn Chinese, now I can speak Chinese fluently, so take it from me keep trying! Practice makes perfect. ^.~

      A little bit of English correction, I hope it helps. ^.~
      >> I think it's very/quite difficult...(here) I'll tell you a kanji, 諒. Can you guess what it means?...However, I (actually) don't know what it means.<<
      Keep it up! 頑張って!

      (京都=きょうと、訪ねる=たずねる=to visit、当時=とうじ=at that time/this year/that year、大阪=おおさか、留学していました=りゅうがくしていました=was studying abroad)

    2. Thanks for your reply.

      Where did you go in Kyoto?How long did your brother stay J Japan? That's right, kanji takes much time to learn...

      My name Ryo Suzuki is in hiragana,すずきりょう.It's maybe a bit difficult to pronounce. When I go to New Zealand, no one in my host family cannot pronounce りょう
      ,it can be like Rio or Roi.Can you pronounce Ryo? Can you speak Chinese? That's amazing!

      Thanks for your English correction.It helps me!I hope you continue it.

  5. Hi! My name is Misato.
    I am Japanese.
    I study English hard, but I can't speak it very well :(
    But your Japanese is very good:)
    Can you speak Japanese??

    1. 日本語がまだ上手じゃありません。Nice to meet you Misato, I am Gresham :) I am American ^.~. I think that you have studied English very well, at least from what I can see. ;) I can only speak some Japanese, though I think I can understand much more than I can speak. Are you a student or do you work? Hope to hear again from you soon. ^_^

  6. Hi! Gresham:)
    Thank you, but I am not good at speaking English.
    Oh! you are great! I also can understand much more than
    I can speak it. I am a student of Ritsumeikan University.
    This university is near Kyoto! Do you know Kyoto??
