Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I believe that via the pod-casting project we should hope to learn about some aspect of Japanese culture through research for the podcast itself, the striking differences as well as some of the subtle nuances of comparing the two, and the difficulty of trying to adapt a limited knowledge of vocabulary and grammar to achieving the goals of eliciting the contrast between these two cultures by means of a podcast.

Good communication, in a group context, means to me that we are able to efficiently achieve our goals whilst being able to effectively resolve any issues or disputes that may arise in the process. In general, it means being able to effectively and efficiently communicate one's ideas.


  1. I agree that good communication, particularly in a group context, is greatly connected to how effectively and efficiently the group's goal can be achieved. I like how you also mention the subtle nuances of culture, and not only the differences in language.

  2. What skill, do you think, is important for efficient and effective communication?
